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If you or your loved one require emergency support, please call 000.
ECM Social Workers are part of our multidisciplinary team of Allied Health Professionals, playing a vital role in supporting children, families, adolescents and adults throughout their life.
Our Social Workers provide a non-judgemental environment as they understand the sensitive nature of topics requiring respect and dignity.
ECM has acknowledged the increasing need for Social Workers to assist our multidisciplinary team of Allied Health Professionals to support individuals, families, and communities at their most troubled times.
ECM Social Workers are dedicated in supporting our core values, one being – ‘Every Client Matters!’
They support the philosophy of a ‘commitment to humanity’ & a ‘commitment to relation-based practice’ reflected in the framework of our multidisciplinary Allied Health Professional team which focuses also on ‘person-centred practice.’
ECM Social Workers have the expertise, knowledge, interpersonal, & analytical skills to combine various interdisciplinary concepts / theories to develop evidence-base informed decisions.
We offer Telehealth services via zoom or a phone call to clients who are unable or choose not to attend in person.
Contact us to find out more.
If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please contact our friendly reception staff on 02 4969 8060.
If you would like to make a referral to
our service please click below for our
online referral form.
If you would prefer a printable PDF form, please click here to complete and email to
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