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Speech Pathology

ECM's Speech Pathology team help develop communication skills and enable people to reach their full potential in speech, language, literacy, and fluency.

Speech Pathology Educational Case Management Newcastle Health Services

Our team of Speech Pathologists can help people who experience a range of difficulties with their communication. ECM’s Speech Pathology team work with people of all ages across areas such as speech, listening, reading, writing, swallowing, social skills, alternate communication and voice difficulties.

We also work with people whose communication may be affected by emotional trauma, learning disabilities and physical impairments.

Speech Pathology Educational Case Management Newcastle Health Services

Here is how we can help in the following areas:

Areas of Speech Pathology:

Voice and Vocal Habits

Voice issues can make it challenging for some people to communicate. If your voice is hoarse, husky, or too loud or soft, it may be difficult for you to be fully understood by others. Here are some ways we can help:

  • Exercises to improve the quality of your voice
  • Retraining on how to use the voice effectively


Stuttering is when someone repeats or gets stuck on certain words or sounds. Stuttering can be made worse by anxiety and emotions. Here are some ways we can help:​

  • Help develop smooth speech techniques
  • Develop strategies to build confidence when communicating in a range of situations

Speech Sounds

Speech sound difficulties can impact a person throughout all stages of their life. An example of a speech sound difficulty may be when a person says /w/ when producing a ‘r’ sound. This can impact how other people may be able to understand a person. Here are some ways we can help:

  • ​Steps and techniques to create sounds
  • Practice difficult sounds and how to join sounds together to create words
  • Provide evidence-based therapy to assist in correct sound production

Mealtimes & Swallowing

Would you believe that about 1 in 5 Australians have difficulty swallowing? This can include problems with sucking, drinking, chewing, eating and taking medicine.

Speech therapists can help people to improve chewing and swallow more safely, reducing the risk of choking. Here are some ways we can help:

  • Provide education and support regarding modified diets in which may be safer for the individual during mealtimes.
  • Provide specific safe swallow strategies

Communications Aids

Communication aids offer practical or technical assistance with communicating such as signing, gestures, picture charts and electronic devices. Here are some ways we can help:

  • Find the best-suited communication aid for the individual and assist in supporting its use
  • Provide education and training support to families and supports

Language and Literacy

Being able to express your ideas, feelings and needs is an important aspect of communication. Speech therapists help people improve their communication in daily life. Here are some ways we can help:

  • Develop reading and writing skills
  • Assist in developing an understanding of language such as following directions
  • Improve vocabulary

Areas of Speech Pathology


Speech refers to the ability to correctly produce sounds by movement of the tongue and mouth. Difficulties with speech may create difficulties in being understood. Speech difficulties can impact both children and adults.


The ability to read, write and spell. Language skills and comprehension may have an impact on literacy development.


Receptive: to understand written and oral language, comprehension, following instructions and understanding questions.

Expressive: to communicate information, using grammar, words, sentences and gestures. Expressive language is the ability to describe objects in an environment, events or situations.


Stuttering: The repetition of sounds or words, getting stuck on words or dragging out the sounds in words. Facial twitches or movements may also be a form of stuttering.

Do you want to see a clinician but would rather do so from the comfort of your home?

We offer Telehealth services via zoom or a phone call to clients who are unable or choose not to attend in person.

Contact us to find out more.

Contact Us

Contact Educational Case Management Newcastle Health Services

If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please contact our friendly reception staff on 02 4969 8060.

Educational Case Management Newcastle Health Services

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