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Behavioural Management

As Behavioural Support Professionals, we aim to teach strategies, develop 'ideal' life skills for each unique person, and identify 'best practice' to achieve desirable behaviours within the environemnt through a tailored, Behavioural Management Plan.

Behavioural Management Educational Case Management Newcastle Health Services

Educational Case Management (ECM) promotes a positive reinforcement approach to assisting children and adults’ behaviour within an environment that is consistent, supportive and safe for all. As Behavioural Support professionals we are mindful of the sensitivities and the supportive nature required in helping children and adults develop self-control and self-awareness.  

ECM staff and clinicians implement evidence-based behaviour support programs and practices to help families and carers and stakeholders (support staff) identify the ‘function’ of their behaviours, ‘the triggers’, and assist them in planning a supportive Behavioural Management Plan which will focus on positive reinforcement and will positively result in ‘change’.

Behavioural Management Educational Case Management Newcastle Health Services

Educational Case Management staff and contractors are registered Behavioural Support Professionals, experienced in functional behaviour analysis.

ECM aims to assist families and stakeholders to gain a better understanding of the appropriate response to challenging behaviour and to implement Behavioural Management Plans (BMP) which will assist in ‘change’, allow clients to meet their potential, and gain a greater ‘quality of life.

Educational Case Management Behavioural Support Professionals and Behavioural Management Plans (BMP) are guided by the following Legislations, Policies, and Documents.

  • NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators 2018
  • NDIS Act 2013
  • Australian Human Rights Commission
  • Anti-Discrimination Action 1977
  • Disability Discrimination Act 1992
  • The United Nation Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2006
  • Disability Inclusion Act 2014 (NSW)
  • Psychologist, Speech Pathologist, and Occupational Therapist Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct
  • NDIS Code of Conduct
  • ECM Charter
  • ECM Feedback forms and surveys
  • Feedback and Complaints Policy
  • WH&S Policies and Procedures
  • Participation and Inclusion Policy
  • Child Protection Policy Privacy
  • Client Rights Policy
  • Dignity and Confidentiality Policy
  • Client and Family Centred Practice Policy

Educational Case Management believes that...

By focusing on each client’s strengths and identifying their weaknesses (by administrating a range of psychometric assessments) and by identifying ‘Behaviours of Concern’ with the view of ‘acceptable behaviour’, Behavioural Support Professionals, can support each client (ages 0-100 years) to meet milestones, become more self-aware, accept boundaries and societal norms, develop appropriate personal behaviour and learn social skills which will enhance socialisation.

To ensure client’s gain a sense of security, feel supported across all environments, aware that we are ALL committed to gain a positive outcome, understanding thoroughly the complex nature in changing behaviour and/or maladaptive thought processes. processes.

To ensure that family and carers, and support staff, are ALL aware that BMP’s are very much reliant on data (ABC data) and information collected (including functional adaptive assessments) from those involved directly in supporting the client.

ECM believes in communicating effectively and respectfully, ensuring everyone understands the process in better supporting the client. Consideration will be given to varying parenting styles, to the family’s cultural or social values and to the age, mental health, intellectual and academic abilities and personality -temperament of the individual client.

Educational Case Management Behavioural Support Professionals will discuss ways to be pro-active and prevent undesirable behaviours through evaluation of the physical environment, observation of client’s interaction with others, routines and other stimuli (internal and external) that can affect the behaviour of the client and trigger an inappropriate response.


When considering positive behaviour guidance strategies and techniques, it is important that Behavioural Support Professionals consider the context of the situation as well as the behaviour itself, in their response to the behaviour. (Focus areas include: environment, undesirable behaviour, risks of harm to self and others, ‘best practice’, reasons behind the behaviour-e.g. anxiety or a need to be in control, what was being communicated through the behaviour- e.g. frustration or rejection, is the response to the behaviour consistent across all environments, is the BMP supportive of values and beliefs.

a) A Behavioural Support Professional will guide the client’s behaviours- implementing positive reinforcement strategies.

  • treating client with respect and dignity
  • focusing on client’s strengths
  • ensuring expectations of client’s behaviour are individually, culturally and developmentally appropriate
  • use positive words and directions when guiding and redirecting clients towards desired behaviour
  • assist clients to recognise their feelings and find ways to express themselves that is appropriate/acceptable
  • teach emotional expression- visual or verbal
  • simplify instructions and explanations
  • explain to client the reasoning to behaviours- if appropriate
  • support protective behaviours by helping clients use assertive phrases.
  • Assist in conflict resolution -where appropriate
  • Gain further assistance and professional support if required
  • Talk openly to clients about how their actions affect others and themselves
  • Trust client to accept ‘change’
  • ensure expectations and limits are consistent and clear
  • support in a positive manner- reduce the need for consequences
  • have realistic expectations
  • ensure inappropriate behaviour are managed appropriately and timely
  • help clients show empathy and begin to resolve conflicts themselves – reflection focus
  • provide an environment and daily/weekly plans that clients can focus on and feel safe
  • minimise confrontation and conflict

b) Behavioural Support Professionals can be effective role models for clients by:

  • interacting in positive ways
  • listening so that the appropriate cause of behaviour can be determined and alternatives to undesirable behaviour offered
  • modelling desirable behaviours that display trust, respect and empathy
  • responding calmly and sensitively to challenging behaviours
  • seeking assistance from others if required
  • involving clients in team meetings and BMP – if appropriate
  • labelling the desired behaviour, rather than labelling the child or focusing heavily on undesirable behaviours

Behavioural Support Professionals will work in partnership with families, carers, and stakeholders by:

  • encouraging on-going open communication
  • regular team meetings
  • sharing and discussing relevant information with the team
  • ensure positive guidance is consistent across all settings
  • be sensitive when discussing concerning behaviours
  • working in positive ways and not being critical or judgmental
  • clarify approaches that may be inconsistent and adjust
  • develop mutually agreeable goals and strategies- BMP
  • providing information about external supports services and other resources in the community
  • educating on the principles of positive behaviour support systems
  • Seek an advocate to assist if required

Behavioural Support Professionals can support each other to positively guide client’s behaviour and manage more complex clients by:

  • discussing values and beliefs
  • monitoring responses
  • gain support -seeking external intervention support
  • sharing information and perspective
  • ensure confidentiality
  • regular team meetings
  • develop a specific plan of action
  • monitor the plan and evaluate the outcomes regularly

Do you want to see a clinician but would rather do so from the comfort of your home?

We offer Telehealth services via zoom or a phone call to clients who are unable or choose not to attend in person.

Contact us to find out more.

Contact Us

Contact Educational Case Management Newcastle Health Services

If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please contact our friendly reception staff on 02 4969 8060.

Educational Case Management Newcastle Health Services

If you would prefer a printable PDF form, please click here to complete and email to info@ecmonhudson.com

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