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Acknowledging Diversity – Helping Diversity

Tali Train is a digital (iPad) play based cognitive training program for children aged 3- 10 years with ADHD. It was developed by team of neuroscientists to assist in the assessment and treatment of childhood attention difficulties. We are targeting those with concentration difficulties, ADHD and anyone who wants to improve their cognitive capacity. It is an evidence program that has shown positive results by strengthening the executive, selective and sustained attention skills.

This program will be completed over 5 weeks, involving a 2-hour session with a training/ psychoeducation session for parents and then a1-hour focus on the pre-intervention assessment with the participant. From there the parent will drive the program completing it over a 5-week course (5 days a week for 20 minute each day) on the remote digital therapy on Tali gaming app. After 5 weeks there will be a post-intervention assessment and a report summarising the progress will be provided. Upon completion, there will be one individual session of two hours in which our clinician will interpret, explain the report make future recommendations and provide resources.

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