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Newcastle & Hunter Valley clinical health services

We offer a Multidisciplinary approach in supporting our clients across their life span. We offer Psychology, Counselling, Behavioural Support, Social Work, Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapy and Exercise Physiology. With the focus towards a quality of life.

About Us

One of our goals is working collaboratively with the health and welfare systems to ensure that our client’s needs are being met by the most appropriate service / clinicians and to accommodate for those clients who are marginalised from the health and welfare systems.

We offer a holistic Multidisciplinary approach with a range of Psychometric Assessments, Evidence-Based Therapies, Language, Communication and Literacy support, along with Functional, Motor and Sensory Assessments.

Mental Health Assessment

Self-awareness is critical for a better understanding of one’s own mental health. Good mental health will ensure a good quality of life.

Please fill out the questionnaire checklist to help you keep track of your symptoms, thoughts, emotions, and behaviour.

NDIS Educational Case Management Newcastle Health Services

We have a multidisciplinary approach towards our NDIS clients

We offer Case Management of all Allied Health workers: Psychology, Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Exercise Physiology, & Allied Health Assistants, who are readily available to assist. We are located at 56 Hudson Street, Hamilton, with location also in Rutherford.

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